Court of Protection Law Reports

This series of reports covers every aspect of the law, practice and procedure governing the enlarged Court of Protection (CoP) jurisdiction, including all significant cases resulting from both health and welfare issues, and property matters and financial affairs.

Publishing 4 times a year, they provide judicially-approved headnotes of cases in the Court of Protection, and where directly relevant to the application of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, cases from the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and High Court.

Each report contains a headnote, drafted by an experienced specialist editor, providing a concise summary of the case, the issues involved and the points of law raised. All case reports are judicially-approved prior to publication, making them both authoritative and reliable.

If you're interested in in this standalone online product, please fill in the form below.
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Editorial Board:

  • Consulting Editor: The Right Honourable Lord Justice Baker
  • Associate Editor: His Honour Judge Marin
  • General Editor: Alex Ruck Keen KC (Hon)
  • Contributors: Julia Beer; Victoria Flowers; Martha Gray; James Kirby

Bloomsbury Professional Online