by Richard C. Bishop
The Charities Act 2011 recognises two types of company: the Charitable Company as defined by the Charities Act 2011, s 193, and the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) defined by section 205. The constitution for a Charitable Company is stipulated by the Companies Act 2006, in contrast the constitution for a CIO is defined by the Charities Act 2011.
A CIO is an alternative legal form for a charity. Legally it is a corporate body, without the requirement to incorporate under the Companies Act 2006. The considerable advantage of a CIO versus a Charitable Company is the Companies House reporting and accounting requirement are negated, together with the onerous company regulations. The company retains its own legal identity and therefore the directors receive no or limited liability.
The Charities Act 2011, s 206, allows the Charity Commission to specify its own regulations as to the form and contents of the CIO constitution. The CIO constitution must, as a minimum, contain:
In the corporate domain, the company articles of association were simplified by the Companies Act 2006 and on incorporation a company may adopt model articles without any amendment. Charities are required by the Charity Commission to input specific information into the model articles, in particular the charity objects which are particular to each individual charity.
The articles of a non-charitable company incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 are not required to have objects. Companies incorporated under previous Companies Acts were required to include an objects clause in the Memorandums of Association describing the purpose of the company and its activities it was authorised to undertake. Acting outside of the company objects is considered ultra vires.
Charitable articles must restrict the company’s activities to specifically furthering the charitable objects. The charity’s objects are defined by identifying the charity’s purpose and what it is set up to achieve.
Charities in England and Wales are set up with the singular function of achieving their charitable purpose. The purpose must fall within the description of purposes described in the Charities Act 2011, s 3, and benefit the public. The Charity Commission provides guidance on writing charitable purposes.
In 2018-19, roughly 60% of applications submitted to the Charity Commission resulted in registration and 40% of applications failed based on incorrect information being submitted or failure to follow up requests by the commission for further information. It could be speculated a great many of applications fail due to inaccurate governing documents.
The Charity Commission suggests employing the relevant Charity Commission’s model governing documents to reference the contents and form the basis of the constitution.
The Charity Commission provides two model constitutions:
It should be noted the CIO is not a company as defined by any company act and the organization is not required to register with companies’ house.
The simple answer is yes. In addition the Commission provides the following model governing documents.
Richard C. Bishop is the author of Articles of Association: Guidance and Precedents and Articles of Association for Charities and Not for Profit Organisations: Guidance and Precedents.