Guidelines for Contributors
A. Articles submitted should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for publication in any other journal. Bloomsbury Professional journals take a non-exclusive licence to publish, meaning authors retain full rights to their original work. Contact the relevant editor (see below) for our self-archiving policy.
B. Contributors are entitled to one PDF copy of the issue in which their article appears.
C. Articles must comply with the following specifications as the Editor will not undertake the re-typing of submissions which do not comply with Journal style.
1. Manuscripts should be supplied in MS Word format and emailed to the relevant Editor (please see below). Please note that Bloomsbury Professional's journals are refereed. Contributors can obtain advice on any aspect of their contribution from the Editor.
• Communications Law – [email protected]
• Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law – [email protected]
• Professional Negligence – [email protected]
• Trust Law International TLI – [email protected]
2. Authors should keep at least one copy of their article.
3. Book titles should be in italics or underlined; articles/essays contained within should appear in single quotes. Periodicals should be given their standard abbreviations and should not be italicised eg LQR not Law Quarterly Review.
4. Law reports should appear using the standard abbreviations of their titles and should not be in italics or underlined. Full stops should not be used in case names, or law report citations. Abbreviations should be preceded by year (in square brackets where the year is an essential element, otherwise use round brackets) and volume number; page number(s) should follow abbreviation: (1991) 88 LGR 737 – 750.
5. References to journals should appear as follows: (1987) 3 CL 193–97. Standard abbreviations of titles are:
• Communications Law CL
• Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law IANL
• Professional Negligence PN
• Trust Law International TLI
Subsequent references to sources already used should follow the ibid and supra system.
6. Italicise or underline words to appear in italics.
7. Spelling should comply with British, not American forms, eg -ise, not -ize, as in nationalise. Numbers one to twelve and per cent to be spelt out.
8. Quotation marks: use single quotes throughout, except for a quote within a quote – for this use double quotes.
D. Book reviews: full publication information should be given at the top of the review: title, author, edition, publisher, date, ISBN/ISSN, number of pages, price, pb (paperback)/hb (hardback). Eg:
European Data Protection Law:
Corporate Regulation and Compliance
Christopher Kuner
Oxford University Press
Second edition
ISBN 0 19 928385 0
xxvii + 460 pp
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