Smith and Monkcom: The Law of Gambling cover
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Smith and Monkcom: The Law of Gambling, Fourth Edition provides a detailed and practical explanation of legislation covering casinos, betting shops, bingo halls, amusement arcades, pubs and clubs with gaming machines and lotteries.

This important book provides a detailed and practical explanation of the legislation by detailing the purpose of the legislation, how to apply for operating licences, premises licences and personal licences, the conditions attached to licences and enforcement of the law as it relates to gambling.

The fourth edition covers the following legislation:
The Gambling Commission's guidance
All updates to the Gaming Act 2005
Coverage of the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014 which requires all operators that transact with, or advertise to, British consumers to obtain an operating licence from the Gambling Commission

Case law includes:
R (on the application of Hemming (t/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) and others) v Westminster City Council
R v Goldstein and Rimmington
“Spotting the Ball” Partnership v HMRC
HMRC v IFX Investment Company Limited
The English Bridge Union Limited v HMRC
Greene King (tribunal case)
Newham Council v Paddy Power

This title is included in Bloomsbury Professional's Licensing online services.

Table of Contents

Introduction The pre-Gambling Act framework
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Gambling Act 2005
Chapter 2 Some fundamental terminology
Chapter 3 The Gambling Commission
Chapter 4 General offences
Chapter 5 Offences relating to children and young persons
Chapter 6 Operating licences
Chapter 7 Personal licences
Chapter 8 Appeals
Chapter 9 The licensing authority: constitution and procedure
Chapter 10 Premises licences
Chapter 11 The temporary use of premises
Chapter 12 Clubs, pubs and fairs
Chapter 13 Betting
Chapter 14 Gaming
Chapter 15 Lotteries
Chapter 16 The National Lottery
Chapter 17 Remote gambling
Chapter 18 Advertising
Chapter 19 Gambling and tax
Chapter 20 Contractual aspects of gambling
Chapter 21 Gambling syndicates
Chapter 22 Prize gaming
Chapter 23 Private and non-commercial gaming and betting
Chapter 24 Licensing Boards and some Scottish aspects of gambling
Chapter 25 Gaming machines
Chapter 26 Enforcement of the regulatory system of the Gambling Act 2005
Chapter 27 Money laundering
Chapter 28 Gambling and planning

Product details

Published 23 Feb 2017
Format Hardback
Edition 4th
Extent 1464
ISBN 9781784512095
Imprint Bloomsbury Professional
Dimensions 248 x 156 mm
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Bloomsbury Collections

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